The BroadMap consortium would like to announce that the registration are OPEN for the Final BroadMap Workshop, to be held on 6 April 2017 in Brussels, Belgium!
The BroadMap project, after validating PPDR (Public Protection and Disaster Relief) organizations’ existing requirements, will pave the way to the next step - the future innovation procurement for an EU-interoperable broadband radio communication system for public safety and security, providing better services to first responders and police agencies.
The BroadMap project is closely monitored by the European Commission DG Home, and has become a flagship project. It is presented as a successful example of pan-European cooperation of public authorities, preparing to procure innovation for the benefit of secure society.
The Workshop will in particular present the outcomes of the BroadMap project, and provide information on the next steps after the end of the project.
- What: BroadMap Final Workshop
- When: 6 April 2017
- Starting time: 10:00
- Where: Belgian Federal Police, Rue Royale 202A, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
- Target audience: The BroadMap Final Workshop is open to PPDR practitioners, companies and research centers/universities interested in the future development of EU interoperable broadband technologies for public protection and disaster relief (PPDR).
To register, please follow this link. You will receive confirmation upon your registration, please wait for this confirmation before making arrangements for your travel.
The confirmation of your registration will be sent to you together with the Accommodation form for Motel One, the closest hotel to the venue of the meeting with whom we have secured negotiated rates.
You can find the draft programme of the Workshop here.
Looking forward to seeing you at this event!